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Topic 4 of 64: slacker

Thu, Nov 14, 1996 (21:30) | Paul Terry Walhus (terry)
You may have seen the Linklater movie. You know a 'slacker'.
The laid back lifestyle. No sense of urgency. No mad rush to
success. Enjoying the present moment.

Is this scene thriving or dying out? Do you long for the slacker
days of old? What is your definition of 'slacker'?

45 responses total.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 1 of 45: aubrey  (aubrey) * Tue, Apr  8, 1997 (14:00) * 1 lines 
THAT'S ME!!! The biggest attraction in Austin is that you CAN just float along. People live there for ten years and it's like a day. Dallas is eating at my soul: you have to accomplish, produce, make tons of money and spend it...consume produce consume produce. I MISS AUSTIN!! (My mantra since hitting The Spring) I just want to relax! I'm the prime minister of the Shiftless Workshy Slackers Club, and I'm proud to say I was recently crowned The Laziest Woman In the World. Wheee! Slack On!

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 2 of 45: Paul Terry Walhus (terry) * Tue, Apr  8, 1997 (22:42) * 1 lines 
Slack on Aubrey!

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 3 of 45: aubrey  (aubrey) * Thu, Apr 10, 1997 (13:42) * 2 lines 
So now I'm in peals of laughter and my co-workers think I'm even more of a nutty nutty nut-case than before! It's a good thing my boss is President Emeritus of the SWSC, otherwise I'd be in beeg trouble, spending so much time quaffing deep of the cup of life at The Spring! (he got tenure 20 yrs ago and has done nothing but play video poker--tho not, thank god, video STRIP poker--since) If I were in a real Dallas job, I'd be in jail for pulling out an uzi by now. I quit my residency, refused a second p
st-doc, and now I want to do a clinical research job usually performed by nurses (I'm an MD)(obviously, from the residency comment)--can you say UNDERACHEIVER?!@?! But I'm not bitter, no, and you gotta believe my folks are proud and happy they supported me all the way through 24 years of schooling for this!

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 4 of 45: aubrey  (aubrey) * Thu, Apr 10, 1997 (13:49) * 2 lines 
I belong to an Utne salon full of semi-slackers, so it's cool. We hang. It's kind of funny when we get into it with the one or two non-slackers, tho--they can't seem to grasp the concept that we don't WANT to rush our lives away. Have you ever noticed that time passes slower the less you do? I used to just lie on my bed in Austin--I lived in a converted 4-plex in Tarrytown; my apt was constructed in large part from the 2nd story screened-in porch, so I had great wraparound panoramic tree-house windows
-and look at the tree branches swaying. Oh, no, seriously no drugs--I'm truly the only teetotaling nonsmoking non druggie who has this much fun! So that's really how I think of Austin: lying on my futon with a cool breeze blowing, listening to KUT and letting my mind float.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 5 of 45: Paul Terry Walhus (terry) * Thu, Apr 10, 1997 (20:41) * 7 lines 
I like that last image. I'm going up in the observatory in my house and open the windows
later (all 12 of them) and catch one of those fine Austin breezes. Tell those folks at Utne to come on
by for a visit. We'd love to pump things up more here.

I just got off the phone to Ted Kircher, running for Mayor. I told him to get on Sammy and Bob's show
right away. They'll love him with his stand on Capital Metro and Light Rail, the host issues now. MOre
on this in politics conf. later.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 6 of 45: Paul Terry Walhus (terry) * Tue, Nov 24, 1998 (06:24) * 5 lines 

"There's a couple of other places I like. A few cities.
I like London and Paris and Austin, Texas."
-- Jerry Seinfeld

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 7 of 45: Tim Guenther  (TIM) * Tue, Nov 24, 1998 (10:23) * 1 lines 
I wonder if he meant: London, Texas; Paris, Texas; and Austin, Texas;

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 8 of 45: wer  (KitchenManager) * Tue, Nov 24, 1998 (10:23) * 1 lines 
Excellent point.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 9 of 45: Alexander Schuth  (aschuth) * Fri, Apr 16, 1999 (13:43) * 1 lines 
Anybody seen the movie "Paris, Texas" ? Hard to explain, but somehow reminded me for years of happier days...

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 10 of 45: _cosmo_  (aa9il) * Tue, Apr 20, 1999 (21:16) * 7 lines 
Never saw Paris Tx but seeing a new post on this thread
has reminded me to rewatch Slacker and the Robot Group

Mike aka Cosmo

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 11 of 45: Paul Terry Walhus (terry) * Fri, Apr 23, 1999 (20:34) * 2 lines 
Have you been to the Robot Groups new HQ out on S Congress?

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 12 of 45: wer  (KitchenManager) * Fri, Apr 23, 1999 (23:58) * 1 lines 
nope...and you?

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 13 of 45: Paul Terry Walhus (terry) * Sat, Apr 24, 1999 (13:24) * 3 lines 
Not yet, Mel's been trying to get me to go to one of the meetings. It's a
pretty well equipped robot workshop.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 14 of 45: _cosmo_  (aa9il) * Tue, Apr 27, 1999 (19:46) * 12 lines 
Hey there

Where is the new HQ? When are the meetings? I heard
the Robot Group reformed from Paco @ FringeWare.

Still remember going to Discovery Hall back in the late
80's - never ran into the Robot Group per se but did
sit in on the computer groups attempts to get a DEC
up and running.

Mike aka cosmo

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 15 of 45: Paul Terry Walhus (terry) * Wed, Apr 28, 1999 (08:49) * 3 lines 
It's out on S Congress and I'm not sure what days, but they have workshops
two evenings each week. No more Teds Greek. They order out now.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 16 of 45: _cosmo_  (aa9il) * Thu, Jan  6, 2000 (20:51) * 9 lines 
Hey yall
Well, thought Id make a post to this page in the new century...
Rereading the old posts reminds me of distant summer days and
the desire to go back. Ride the bike to Zilker or goof off
in the green belt. Just need to work the logistics out.

Just slacking away in the Windy City....
Mike aka Cosmo

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 17 of 45: Marcia  (MarciaH) * Thu, Jan  6, 2000 (21:18) * 2 lines 
Y'all just need to check out the Polynesian paralysis which inflicts the local folks in Hawaii. No Paris here, but we have palm trees set just far enough apart to string a hammock and close enough to the house to yell for a cold beer.
Does that qualify?

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 18 of 45: Paul Terry Walhus (terry) * Sun, Jan  9, 2000 (08:17) * 1 lines 
Y'all Hawaian's can slack wif the best of um!

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 19 of 45: Marcia  (MarciaH) * Sun, Jan  9, 2000 (14:26) * 1 lines 
Some have refined their technique of having beer and food reachable without moving from the Hammock that when they fly interisland, they have to purchase two seats to be able to sit down! I have seen it with my very eyes! Yup! some o' us be worl'- class slackers!

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 20 of 45: _cosmo_  (aa9il) * Sun, Jul  9, 2000 (23:14) * 7 lines 
Oy, gotta get those logistics sorted but I spend so much time goofing
off that I cant seem to get to the logistics. That and multiple
interests distracting me in various directions.

oh well
still slacking in Chi town.....

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 21 of 45: Marcia  (MarciaH) * Mon, Jul 10, 2000 (00:29) * 1 lines 
MikeMikeMike... I was worried about you dashing across the pond, herniating over a boatanchor then winding coils with more loops than the population of China... Now I find you are doing some first class slackin' Cross you off my worry list! *whew*

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 22 of 45: _cosmo_  (aa9il) * Mon, Jul 10, 2000 (19:42) * 15 lines 
No need to worry - always been a slacker at heart even if my actions
prove otherwise (curently typing while watching data packet streams
zip across the laptop which is precariously balanced on the couch -trying
to make heads or tails over the cryptic message structure....)
Even from back in my Austin daze, tried to balance between being a
techno goof (and not the 120bpm techno in this case) and still pay the
I sometimes ponder becoming a Zen Lunatic (per Keroac's Dharma Bums)
but am way to engrossed in science and engineering. One thing I
do notice in the silly work-a-day world is that there is a lot of
technical work being done strictly for the $$. Does not seem like
that work is very fun because its WORK and not technical play.
One day I might figure out that balance - until then, I keep making
small incremental steps towards understanding and not understanding
and accepting.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 23 of 45: Marcia  (MarciaH) * Mon, Jul 10, 2000 (20:04) * 5 lines 
Getting paid for doing what you love to do and would do anyway is the secret. Not too many doing that anymore, it seems. If you do figure out that balance, you can make millions explaining to others how you did it - but that would be WORK!

Imagining you watching streaming packet bursts. good luck. The racket over SW is terrible. Hope it is good stuff they are sending (usually "me and my house and the dog" kinda pix as I remember.)

Nah, not a Dharma Bum or a Zen anything. Your mind is far too active and needs better outlets than that. Keep up the slacking and the hunt for "The Balance."

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 24 of 45: _cosmo_  (aa9il) * Wed, Jul 26, 2000 (19:59) * 17 lines 
Balance in chaos

I wonder sometimes if that is just the default mode and go with it.
After a crazy assed cross country drive between Austin to Dallas
and back again, I get a bit perplexed - the whole place has really
changed.... The drive started out simple enuf listening to Wagner
then moving on to early 80's era Rush then finally to industrial
sledgehammer pounding KMFDM
Watching clouds of bats take flight from the Congress river bridge
and wandering around the UT campus at night to then catch 8 1/2
Souvenirs at the Cactus Cafe. More driving still with philosophical
banter, visits, more driving then ending up back here.
Another good time to observe and then get back to all the techie
projects waiting in the wings.


 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 25 of 45: Marcia  (MarciaH) * Wed, Jul 26, 2000 (22:34) * 1 lines 
Wow, Mike... Amazing how eclectic your tastes in music are! You are a not a bad writer, either. It must be all that atmosphere they have in Texas that makes one turn philosophical... I love the Wagner stuff...

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 26 of 45: _cosmo_  (aa9il) * Thu, Jul 27, 2000 (19:03) * 17 lines 
Yea, my music tastes jump around quite a bit.
Going thru the records and CD's of my past kinda outline phases
and moods - mostly top 40 rock during high school then various
shades of 60's psychedelia and experimental space rock as well
as art-concept prog rock bands during college years. Then
indie, folkie, Reggae, and punk/industrial during the Austin
phase, then college radio, weird electronic ambient and 120+ bpm
techno up to now. All this with smatherings of the previous
musical objects thrown in as the CD player dictates. NOW, you
know why I keep wanting to start up a pirate station!
Been going through my pondering phase as of late which explains
the ramblings but am getting re-focused back to the electronic
projects which provide the anchor.

de Mike
p.s. the CA trip sounded way cool

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 27 of 45: Marcia  (MarciaH) * Thu, Jul 27, 2000 (21:12) * 1 lines 
Slacker, California style: Head for the High Sierra. Grazing at the local eateries on the way yielded BBQ of unexcelled flavor and tenderness and cost (very reasonable). Snow stilll beneath the enormous trees... viewed from the back seat of a Ford Probe with the snacks at my command. The entire trip was awesome...and way KEWL (as the natives here say.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 28 of 45: austin spring (sprin5) * Fri, Jul 28, 2000 (04:33) * 1 lines 
I had a great time years ago on my visit to Grass Valley and Nevada City in the California Sierras. It's a great place to go hiking and exploring and there are a lot of attractions in these little towns.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 29 of 45: _cosmo_  (aa9il) * Fri, Jul 28, 2000 (22:22) * 8 lines 
Never made it up to far northern California - did get to tool around
Marin county several times and admire the redwoods there. Big thrill
also was down south in Silly Valley - drove around Stanford and got to
drive over SLAC and see the big SETI dish.

geek out
de Mike

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 30 of 45: Marcia  (MarciaH) * Fri, Jul 28, 2000 (23:44) * 2 lines 
Awesome, Mike! Love that SETI software... Never got to Berkeley but I have been to Greenbank (W.Va.) and Jodrell Bank (Manchester, England)
Didja got to Muir Woods? Had a really neat experience there I should post in Geo...

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 31 of 45: austin spring (sprin5) * Sat, Jul 29, 2000 (06:03) * 7 lines 
Summerfest today!

I'm on my way.

I've been to Muir Woods and to the nearby Zen Center. And Mt. Tam.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 32 of 45: Marcia  (MarciaH) * Sat, Jul 29, 2000 (22:26) * 1 lines 
Enjoy! Been up Mr Daiblo, too. No Zen center...

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 33 of 45: _cosmo_  (aa9il) * Wed, Aug  9, 2000 (19:16) * 6 lines 
Got to drive around Mt. Tam - I was in the passenger seat and all
I could remember was looking down past the railing at Redwoods where
you could not see where the trunk ended. More thrilling than any
roller coaster. Also went to Stinson beach to touch the Pacific.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 34 of 45: Marcia  (MarciaH) * Wed, Aug  9, 2000 (23:52) * 1 lines 
Ah! Went to Half Moon Bay to touch Sir Walter Drake's water. Well, at least the same pacific he touched.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 35 of 45: Paul Terry Walhus (terry) * Mon, Apr 30, 2001 (05:45) * 1 lines 
I was just out to San Fran and had a couple of great weekends.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 36 of 45: _cosmo_  (aa9il) * Fri, Aug 30, 2002 (14:21) * 16 lines 
Hi all

A random post for 2002...
Anyway, this list has been quiet - does slacking still exist?
Also, a question....
Back in the last century, 1991/92 to be exact, there seemed to be
a flourishment of a new techno-culture - the internet was around,
of course and there was the evolution of the 'web. During that
time, there seemed to be alot of idealistic zines and groups which
reminded me of the crowd I knew when I lived in Austin in '88 - 90.
Question is, what groups exist (at least in the Austin area) that
reflect the techno/art/cyber kulture. Im thinking in terms of the
old 'Discovery Hall/Robot Group/Fringeware' type of crowd.

de mike

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 37 of 45: Paul Terry Walhus (terry) * Fri, Aug 30, 2002 (14:24) * 8 lines 
The Robot Group is still around.

We have a guy named Boxcar on our repeater, he qualifies!

You've got the rave crowd now, but they've been shut down because of an unfortuante death at one of their backup rave events a couple of weekends ago.

Some of the fringeware crowd are still around, but they're not slacking much these days.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 38 of 45: _cosmo_  (aa9il) * Fri, Aug 30, 2002 (14:46) * 7 lines 

Ok, well it seems like there is still a scene - it just seems like
there was such a movement back then and I was wondering if today
there was still an equivalent.

de mike

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 39 of 45: _cosmo_  (aa9il) * Tue, Feb  4, 2003 (19:47) * 20 lines 
Hi all

Another post for 2003! For someone who desires to get back to the basics of
slacking, I have done a lousy job by being way to busy with work. yea, yea...
it does pay the bills but does cut into the fun of living. Anyway, it is
very frozen up here with almost sub zero temps - the lake is frozen over. A
couple of weeks ago, went out walking along on the ice near the shore - it was
a gentle snow and the sky was backlit from all the ambient city light. Very
peaceful except when the ice would stress fracture and scare the crap outa
ya but the surface was pretty solid so no worry. Anyway, life is getting back
to somewhat normal (whatever that is). Listening to Radio Canada International
on the shortwave just sign off so back to knob spinning to find something
else to listen to. - Knob spinning is not exactly what you do with an R390
receiver - you firmly grab it and do some serious wrist rotating to move all
the mechanical innards (i.e. tuning). Tres cool!

73 de Mike

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 40 of 45: _cosmo_  (aa9il) * Thu, Aug  7, 2003 (16:39) * 20 lines 
A 'nuther post for 2003

This afternoon, I really hate computers. Ok,
so it is my profession and my graduate studies
but wasting this afternoon trying to get a client
application to load without success on two different
platforms just got annoying. Ok, glad I got that out...

So, has anyone slacked lately? I was in Austin a
couple of weeks ago which is the slacker vortex but
didnt see much slacking going on per se - of course
my internal reference model is kind of old - dating
back to my years in town in '88 and '89. Man, thats
been 14 years ago.... time flies....

Anyway, just felt like posting here since it has
been quiet for a while.

73 de Mike

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 41 of 45: Paul Terry Walhus (terry) * Sat, Aug  9, 2003 (14:53) * 6 lines 
I'm trying to find time to slack off, but I've got too many web jobs going
these days between, , and a
bunch of others I've been too busy.

It would be a great summer to slack off too. I do manage a couple of
swims every day though.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 42 of 45: _cosmo_  (aa9il) * Tue, Aug 26, 2003 (09:14) * 6 lines 
Summer is almost over and I have not even gone swimming in the
lake. With winter coming, I can go for a walk on it...
With grad skool starting up again - free time, whats that?

73 de Mike

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 43 of 45: Paul Terry Walhus (terry) * Tue, Aug 26, 2003 (12:52) * 2 lines 
Yeah, I'm continuing the antislacking trend by opening an office downtown
today. I'm on the 21st floor! Nice view. And a t1 connection.

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 44 of 45: _cosmo_  (aa9il) * Tue, Aug 26, 2003 (13:59) * 12 lines 
Cool! Moving up in the world! You should have very
good coverage for the 442.150 repeater. (yea, I know,
I need to check in on ilink more often...) Good news
is a city visit coming up in October so I can stock
up on new CD's at Waterloo.

73 de Mike

p.s. I shot a couple of emails your way. Not sure
if I had the correct address or not - didnt bounce...

 Topic 4 of 64 [austin]: slacker
 Response 45 of 45: Paul Terry Walhus (terry) * Wed, Aug 27, 2003 (19:30) * 3 lines 
Didn't get the emails, try again.

I may be looking down on the 442.15 repeater tower.

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